The children spent a week discovering the new works in the studio. They enjoyed painting with colors inspired by fall,

tracing leaves carefully gathered from our outdoor environment onto beautiful rice printmaking paper with a black oil crayon,

and painting their leaves with liquid water color.

Other students are creating three-dimensional, mixed media pieces with the various recycled materials in the studio.

The puppet shelf is proving a big success. Many students have branched out and are making stick puppets. These are simply made using a dowel, a square of light muslin, newspaper or tissue and a tie. These are then decorated by the children to fit their vision and fancy.

The children have enjoyed making them immensely. I have written the name and story that accompanies each puppet, however this student is the only one to have made the leap from making a puppet to using the puppet as a dramatic tool.

Many of the students seem to have had very little direct experience with puppets and puppetry as a tool for dramatic expression. As another provocation, I am presently transforming a large box into a simple puppet theater and a few teachers and I are planning a simple puppet show during the next all school assembly.
I look forward to watching how these provocations may affect the children's investigations.